Diamond Dash – Week 5: Expanding Your Network on Facebook

What and When to Be Posting



Tips and Tricks on Facebook – Connecting with Your Audience



Growing Your List on Facebook



Finding Balance on Facebook



Here are 5 tips When Posting on Facebook

1. Do not VOMIT Beachbody (live the 80% LIFE and the 20% BB rule)

2. Do not HIDE from Beachbody and BE CONFIDENT in your posts. Be BRAVE and BOLD and share what you do. Don’t apologize to others who are small minded! 

3. Ask for Feedback. Don’t be AFRAID to ask someone you care about to look at your page for feedback! We are in this together and sometimes others have the BEST ideas and will also tell you where you need more balance.

4.Post 3 times a day. Every Day. NO MATTER WHAT.

5. Grow a Like Page and gear that towards BUSINESS. You are a Biz owner. SO ACT LIKE ONE!!!! Practice just makes BETTER. You post everyday, reach out, do ads, do videos, set up a schedule, and read your insights. You learn more when you DO MORE and TRY NEW things.